Homeward journey, complete.
Fake happy photo, below.
I'd love to say that smile is real because I'm finally getting to ski with my whole family.
But, really, I have no business being up there on that summit. I am shivering, my fingers are already numb, my toes hurt and my intestines are performing some kind of strength training exercises that really hurt.
I am grimacing. Mike wanted us all to take off our goggles, but I was sure the camera would capture my tears, so I didn't.
Kevin's not real sure how much more skiing he has in him either. Turns out, not much. When we got to the bottom, he cried until we found a wagon for him to ride in back to the condo.
Which lead to this photo...
As I said, we're home. We flew out of Denver Thursday afternoon, knowing we'd be spending the night in Oklahoma City. We have really good friends who live in Bison, Oklahoma, so before take-off, we called them to see if they wanted to drive down to OKC. What was amazing, was that they happened to be OKC picking up another friend from the airport! They waited for us and we all went out to dinner. It was truly awesome to turn the travel delay into something so nice.
First thing this morning, wait, at 4:30 am, which is NOT morning, but practically the middle of the night, we got up and headed to the airport. We got home to St Louis safe and sound to find an amazing sight. Snow!
The kids have been outside almost all day building forts. My family is so crazy about snow that my oldest child, Mike, flagged down the bulldozer that was clearing the streets and asked him to dump EXTRA snow in our yard.
PS: That day that I said I was going to sew? Yeah, that never happened.
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