Monday, February 28, 2011

T Minus Three Days and Counting

Just taking a little break from sorting and packing.  Since my wonderful husband approved the expense of paying the movers to do part of the packing, I'm far more relaxed than I would be otherwise.  I'm in a Zen place: whether I feel completely ready or not, we're moving this week.  Which is why I took time to volunteer at my 5-yr old's school this morning.  Then came home and worked like a fiend!

I'm trying to decide when to empty and clean the fridge.  So I was surfing the net for deoderizing ideas.  I'm going to go with thoroughly clean (duh), then wipe down with 10% bleach solution and finish with leaving charcoal briquets soaked in vinegar in the appliance over night.  Let you know Friday how that works.  But among the many ideas I found, this post killed me:

"After washing out refrigerator using baking soda...put in CLEAN kitty litter to soak up the bad odors. Change out kitty litter in a day or two and keep using until smell is gone. Chris Head, AL"

Really?  People need to be told to use CLEAN cat litter?  Then I thought about it: Yes, some people do need to be told.  Scary.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life is a Moving Target

Hi, my name is Karen and I'm in the middle of moving.  What a great time to start a blog!  But writing things down seems to help feel more in control (yes, Karen has control issues) and confident about an otherwise overwhelmng situation.  Plus, I have advice!

Luckily, we're just moving across town.  Unluckily, we haven't sold our current house (more on that later).  But the silver lining is that it's not critical that we pack every, single thing we own and don't have to clean as we go.  Not that I want to spend much time here after the closing...I want to get my new house in shape!

That's where the in-laws come in.  They're coming to help out by keeping the 5 yr old and 9 yr old occupied and out of the way.  I'll also put them to work cleaning once the house starts emptying out.  Pretty sure my MIL would make me crazy if she helped unpack...I imagine being asked about 317 times "where do you want this?"  I know I can only make so many decisions in a day and eventually the answer would be "up your...!"

Hypocritically, I'm asking two of my closest girlfriends to come help me unpack.  But they're down to earth women who will be able to logically arrange a kitchen.  The new one is laid out like the old one so, just pack, rinse, repeat.

Onto advice and websites I've found useful.  The first one that I recommend is, a lot of great advice on moving yourself, choosing a moving company, how to decide which to do and the best checklist on the net  If you find a better one, please put it in your comments to share!  This check list covered a lot of items, then I added in things I thought of and tweaked the timeline a little bit.

One thing I'd like to share: movers aren't all or nothing.  You don't have to decide between "oh my gosh, how can we possibly move everything ourselves" and "it will cost HOW much to have them move us?"  You can have them move only big items, you can have them move critical areas (kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms), you can have them pack everything, you can have them pack only some of the rooms.  This way you can save money and keep track of your personal stuff.

Before I sign off, I have to share the picture of my son's birthday cake (of COURSE there was a kid's birthday less than a week before we move!)  He wanted a Mario Super Galaxy birthday.  I must say, I decorate one hell of a cake.  I LOVE decorating cakes (I also love sewing, hence the name of my blog).  The cake represents a planet, it's covered with grass (fun little tip from Wilton, can also be used to make hair), pathways and mini-figures.  The starbits are pieces of colored rock candy and gold coins.  Everyone was wowed, even the kids!

OK, folks, that's all I have time for today as the movers are coming in four days to pack the house.  I have a few areas I'd like to get more organized and pack myself.